Ryan and I had a mini trip last weekend.
We drove Lefty's van, the "legendary" van, or "the thing" (what I usually call it) to Taitung, a country below Hualien.
Along the coast, the view was amazing...riding on the aged van was actually not too bad, even a luxury, in some odd way, when you can have one side of green high mountain and the deep blue pacific ocean on the other. We drove along the east coast, stopped at some nice spots, explored a little the little native downs....all nice, when the breezes came blowing on my faces, i felt like being in heaven...
The sun set, and we drove to Taitung city, it started to rain...in the rain we were lost in the streets of this not too busy town trying very hard to open our eyes and see if there were any sign of "Hotel"... People in Taitung could be so nice and friendly that they told ya everything about where to look for a nice hotels, and where to have fun. Yet, they could be extremely rude, too. One guy with driving his scooter with his helmet unlocked and his red betel nut mouth shouted to us "foxy ya!!!" just because we were slowing down looking for the hotel....
Hotel's settled...finally, me and ryan headed to the downtown center to check this cute tiny down. Taitung has changed so much since the last time i was there...well, it was about 3 years ago!! There are so much fun there now. Me and ryan found some cool t-shirts there...I love those tiny shops, they are so different and full of surprises! That night in the town was great! :)
But then , the second day, sunday, the day we headed home...our bad luck came...........
It was a rainy day.
Since we have taken the coastal high way coming to Taitung, we decided to take the mountain inland route back to hualien.....everything was fine, driving the van in the rainy day was actually pretty cozy, too., and the mountain in the rain was so unbelievably beautiful......
Until...the moment ryan said: "hun....funny, i couldn't feel the van moving forward...." And I looked at him and said:" what???" The van stopped........it was on the half way of a climbing bridge. Yup!! we were actually going backward for that moment instead of going forward..........
Oh no.....just when you think something bad couldn't possibly happen to ya, it simply got worse....the van wouldn't start again no matter how hard we tried...so we had to push it to the side of the busy high way....that's when it started to rain BIG!!! Poor ryan had to push it....
So anyways, we finally got the van in a good care, it's waiting to be fixed right now. Sounds like it wasn't a big problem at all...We decided to head home....hitch-hiking! :) Mm...that sounded fun, i think...whatever, nothing can be worse....
And just when we were riding by some nice dad who promised to take us to his town Yuli, I saw a familiar jeep rushing in front of us....."No way.." i told ryan " I think I just saw jackie's car..." So, I called her up, and found out it was her and her boyfriend. They were hurrying back to Hulaien from Kaoshiong.... There, they later "saved" us, and took us all the way back to Hualien....... Can you believe that???? That was actually the first time I ran into Jackie's car since she told me she bought a jeep last year.....
So, that was our mini trip to Taitung and "back"....guess it wasn't all that mini after all...plus i haven't added all those little Coinstances happened along the trip... ;P
I love teaching, I love being a teacher, and of course... the funny and cool one.
This week has been a busy teaching week for me. I met more new students this week than before, and my brain has never been emptier when facing those new faces.
Man, they have so many different look on their faces...
Linda, me and R's good friend's mom: she always has a big smile on her face, but you can never predict what she's gonna say in the next minute.
Me:Mm...let's talk about the most impressive thing that happened to you?
Linda: Oh,not that again...we don't like to do that, why is that every teacher wants us to do that????
Lily, Q, Annabell and Stella, my new high school students. Just met them last night. I walked in the classroom, just got caught in the sudden rain, feeling a bit sick. And my mind was totally
blank . I said hi, introduced myself. They looked at me wondering what was I doing there...the four of them sat so close at one corner of the room and couldn't stop whispering and giggling....Man, I must have looked like an idiot to them.
Anyways, this week has been a total challenge to me, just to be stared on the stage with my talking of nonsense. I feel like a clown trying to please every audience, ether very young, who didn't care whatde hell you are doing there, or the teenagers, who might be waiting to see what new tricks you might have for them...and the kinda old ladies, who had far too many learning experiences, and always have this strange suspicious looks...
But...it's not too bad being a clown, cuz I know I can always make some laughter in the classroom,and I can always make friends with them. I always come up with something to teach them, and make them fall in love with me, just like the same old days.
So I let them do whatever faces they might make to a new stupid teacher, and let them answer: "
Teacher....What....ever!!!!" Jeee...I can still see their eyes half blinking with a long sigh...
My favorite students this week?
David, 12 yearold boy, who is bright and cool, always willing. And
Shannon, that's for sure, who is learning Chinese from me and nonstopingly made me laugh and laugh by saying...fuxk!! shit, and damn...and fxxk again whenever she was a bit frustrated with her
ber per mer fer...So smart and so hilarious..he he he :P
Well, the typhoon is gone, and we survived!!
Starting a new yet same boring busy week again.
Typhoon is gone, but it brought lots of rain, and more people's life were
taken than we expected.
The sun begins to shine, and peep out again...Slowly...
The heavy clouds are moving away.
Typhoon is gone, but you can still feel the humid heat steaming up from the ground as walking on the street...
Everything is back to normal, seems like...
Tomorrow is tuesday, and everything will be back just like any same old days...
Just wish there weren't that much damage from the storm. And maybe life could be a bit interesting...
Tuesday is a busy day, no...no...wednesday's even busier.
I am sitting at my cousin's home and drinking tea....how wonderful and relaxing afternoon this could sound...Only, what is keeping us accompanied is crazy crazy big rain and crazy winds that comes bigger and bigger each five or ten minutes from now.
"hahaha....woo...Typhoon is really COMING!!!"
I secretly thought that in my mind...more happy and excited than worried about the damage the typhoon can bring.
"So, Mickey (my 12 yearold cousin) did you guys prepare all the snacks and candles for the big night?" I asked
"Oh, yeah, we prepared all those cookies and drinks for it three days ago....."
"Only, there's not much left for tonight...OOPS!" Mickey sounds like fun. :P
"Candle??? What's that for?!" My other 20 yearold cousin said to me puzzled.
The rain outside is pouring and sweeping everything with the typhoon mad winds....But we are all enjoying this moment (at least I am :D ). Finally a brief moment in this burning summer you can have some cool air, and the only time you can forget about work and rolling lazily in bed, sleep like a pig.
It's pretty retarded, I know cuz everyone seems to "enjoy" the typhoon holiday and the strange moments of it like sharing snacks in the dark blackout night....Oh..and tons of ghosts stories....he hehe he....
Don't know about you....But I'm getting more and more excited as the typhoon is blowing closer to Hualien.
These funny typhoon nights have filled all my childhood memories ;)
Are you ready to