On the way to Algonquin Park
Val, so concentrating to Ryan's talk...
Yup, it's Algonquin .
Cool friend Johnny and Ryan sipping expresso in the Queen Mother.
After about 24 hours of flying, we finally landed.
Thank God, it felt so good to step on the ground and walk again...
My back hurts, my hip sore and my head's still pounding.
But I'm back to Taiwan with loads and loads of great memory.
Thank you friends, (Ryan's buddies, my new friends), thank you Val for all the efforts you've done to welcome us (me especially!), thank you Natalie and Graham, for your amity and the first introduction of a beautiful wedding :) thank you Grandma, for the warmest hugs and letting me call you "grandma", thank you aunty Donna, uncle Steve, Grag and Megan for your generosity and friendship to make me a lot easier and have a better understanding of Canada.
Oh, and Morrison, thanks for your passionate greetings to welcome us home every time we opened the door!
Thanks Ryan, I've fallen in love again not just in your affection but the cutest and brightest smile of you in the old photo albums.
H o t P o t of ... Coffee!